Burger King released an Internet based documentary titled "Whopper Virgins." It is about their team traveling the world to get an opinion about their Whopper. Their task seems to be to have people decide if they have a good product. However, the majority of verbal critiques, within the footage, from the research team is dripping with social paradigms pointing out the savagery of peoples from the far flung areas of the world. One moment they show a montage of Asian people eating a burger in slow motion, where the voice over analyzes the consumers having no idea how to 'properly' hold a burger. This video is riddled with racial assumptions, advocating the viewpoint of savages made famous by Hegel, Kant, and Conrad. May I suggest the true savages are the ones idealizing the eating of food with hands. I love eating with my hands, but in this same vein, giving native Bosnians, Inuits, and Thais an overly processed food that has been shown to have given rise to many problems in the US of A and other western societies health problems, only catalyzes and trivializes Burger King as a company. If anything, this seems like a method to culturally assimilate the world into believing a burger is the key food to bring us all together.
While in Asia, I can only assume I looked just as awkward trying to eat fermented duck eggs, and chicken's feet, yet these regional delicacies are foods these peoples have been consuming (and not wasting I might add) for centuries. The American burger was invented around 1891, and has since seen a bastardization of the food with the over processed, calorie injected food. I mean, yes, I love hamburgers, but America is the primary consumer of this delicacy, but why I want to know did Burger King have to show such a anti-diverse documentary? Outraged I am, dumbfounded, and extremely forlorn to know people have yet to realize their faults as racial moderators.
1 comment:
Wow. Deep. You guys are makin' my brain hurt. Lighten Up! Why not write a song about your feelings? i find it to be theraputic.
My son Dan is a bit of a brainiac too. You guys should go out and chew the fat sometime.
Rock On my intellectual friends. Rock on.
-Rufus Humphrey
beleive it.
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